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AEM water-methanol injection on BMW: why is it needed? Pros and cons (BMW F10 535).

OP OP! An article about installing water-methanol injection on a BMW F10 535. Looking to safely get more power on the N55 PWG.

The main goal of installing water-methanol is to shift the detonation threshold.  

Advantages of water-methanol injection:  

1. Water-methanol reduces the temperature in the combustion chamber.  

2. Water-methanol has a higher octane rating, methanol - 114, ethanol - 105.  

3. If your fuel system is insufficient, water-methanol can act as additional injectors with fuel.  

In our case, installing water-methanol on the F10 535 allows us to avoid replacing the injectors and the fuel pump.  

AEM water-methanol system with a 1000cc nozzle was installed.

Installation: Wiring was routed, the pump was connected and installed, the line to the nozzle was laid, and the tank was installed in the trunk via the factory firmware. The controller was placed in the glovebox under the steering wheel.  

Within two days, the entire water-methanol kit was installed, and we began testing the car...  


For more details about the installation, watch on YouTube –   

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