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BMW M240 680 hp – The fastest "2" in Ukraine. Ukrainian Championship, Odesa 2021. B58 Stage 3.

OP OP!!! As you may recall from the previous article about the BMW F22 M240i Stage 3 we were getting poor power results. (625 horsepower on E40 fuel, no water methanol)

When our car was reviewed, we got a small 0-100 km/hour and I decided why not to pour the xHP automatic transmission chip and not to tune it myself. 

After pouring the automatic transmission chip, I set all the settings to the maximum and the car started to bump, go 0-100 in 3.2-3.3. After that I immediately went and bought a new rubber Michelin PS4 and the car went 3.1 seconds 0-100 km/h. 

On the old firmware of the automatic transmission and old rubber quater was 11.5, now it is 10.6 - 10.7 seconds.


There was a week left till the Cup of Kiev and I realized that I had to prepare for these competitions :) 

I went to our friends at DARKHORSE, it's a stand in Kiev for tuning water-methanol, which was already installed at my place. During the tuning it was found that the water-methanol was not properly tuned and never worked....

After a very good tuning of the water-methanol, we got a result of 683 horsepower. 

Having made a couple of tests on Borispolskaya I already had an understanding of how to start and how the car behaves. On the same day I got the news that the Kiev Drag Cup was postponed for another week, so I decided to go to Odessa for the Ukrainian Drag Championship. 

After arriving in Odessa, on the first day we had measurements and qualification. 

We managed to make one test run, but it was as successful as possible! The race was against a McLaren with 900 horsepower. 402 meters on the test I ran 10.3 seconds.

In parallel with the Ukrainian championship cup was the fast cup car cup, there were different classes and manual, up to 4 liters, after 4 liters, SUV from many classes we got to Unlimited where we had 3 qualifying races, where the best result of the quater was 10.390 seconds. It seemed to be ok, but as it turned out that with this time was not enough to get somewhere, that is a lot of competitors went faster than 10 seconds. In the end we got into the fast cars cup and we stayed on the 2nd day in Odessa. In our grid at the end of the day we drove with the fastest cup rival Porcshe.

During the race with Porsche, I decided to drive with DSC OFF and start with 2 gears. But the race was not successful and our time was 10.5 seconds.

Conclusions: it was very easy to achieve 680 horsepower, easily made less than 3 seconds 0-100, 5.67 made acceleration 100-200 km/h. Our car can consistently and clearly show its time, but this time is not enough for this level of competition.


See more details on YouTube - 

BootMod3 Activation Codes/ Remote Chip Fill, Stage 1/Stage 2 at top prices 🤑


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